New York State’s Agricultural Economy

Matt Hubacher, Research Specialist, Buffalo Niagara Enterprise

New York State’s agricultural economy is a leading producer several of the foods we enjoy during holiday feasts: fruits and vegetables, a variety of dairy products, poultry, meat and even maple syrup are all produced in the Empire State.  What may go unnoticed at the dinner table is the significance of New York State’s beverage production sector, a growing part of the state’s economy that accounts for $22 billion in annual economic impact.

Earlier this Fall, Governor Andrew Cuomo met with several interest groups – including producers, farmers, industry officials and consumers – at the state’s first “Beer, Wine and Spirits Summit.”  Participants at the summit discussed regulatory reforms, promotional campaigns, and partnering efforts to boost what is already a strong beverage production economy.  New York State currently ranks 3rd nationally in wine and grape production and 2nd in the number of operational distilleries, and is poised for further growth.  More information on the summit can be found at:

As preparations are being made for holiday gatherings, please consider supporting New York State’s excellent beer, wine and spirits producers.  Your friends and family will be glad you did. Happy Holidays!