Wetlands & Site Development

Lesta Ammons, a biologist from the US Army Corps of Engineers’ Buffalo Branch, spoke at this month’s breakfast meeting of the WNY chapter of the New York State Commercial Association of Realtors (NYSCAR). The topic of wetlands is a critical concern for commercial real estate and site development. While the issues of wetlands can pose challenges to site development, being properly educated and prepared can help mitigate any development delays.

– What are wetlands and why are they important? Continue reading

Downtown Buffalo Development Map

The weather in Buffalo is gorgeous right now and we  hope you’re taking advantage of the sunshine! Download the recently updated downtown Buffalo development map and take a look at what’s building around us. With a little over $750,000,000 in investment/construction projects happening right now…we think you’ll have plenty to keep you in the sun.

Take a look at the origin of the map and our initial blog post by clicking this link.

The Trouble with Community Branding & Economic Development

Buffalo Niagara Enterprise’s mission is simple — attract business investment to Buffalo Niagara. However, marketing a region for business investment is challenging. BNE focuses on face-to-face meetings and personal interactions through out-bound familiarization efforts, but this must be supported with both traditional and non-traditional techniques. Improved website resources, branding, marketing materials, direct communication and now social media, all play a critical role. These efforts must be constantly critiqued and analyzed to determine what needs to evolve to meet today’s technology saturated economy.

Our partners at GIS Planning, providers of the technology for our commercial real estate and site selection platform, http://www.buffaloniagaracls.com., recently posted a presentation, The Trouble with Community Branding &Economic Development. This session, intended for elected officials, was hosted  at the 2011 National League of Cities’ Congress of Citiesat the Phoenix Convention Center. Speaker, Anatalio Ubalde, CEO of GIS Planning Inc. discusses the changing dynamics of regional marketing, focusing on what works, but more importantly what does not.
The last half of the video, starting at 23 minutes, includes Q&A with William Stafford, Senior Consultant, Nyhus Communications (nyhus.com) and Matt Leighninger, Executive Director, Deliberative Democracy Consortium (deliberative-democracy.net), the moderator of the session.
Research Manager

Downtown Buffalo Development Projects Map


Last week I met with consultants who came to Buffalo with a single purpose — to answer the question: “What is happening in downtown Buffalo?” I came to the meeting prepared with our industry-specific marketing brochures, our economic guide, tables and charts of data, but one map – Downtown Buffalo Development Projects – best captured the information they needed.
For this map we plotted three different “project types”: completed, under construction, or proposed. We then scaled the size of the points based on investment amount. Our mapping software also performs complex analysis. The hatched rings show the concentration and direction of each activity type weighted by investment.

For example, even though there are projects “under construction” throughout downtown, the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus represents the most concentrated activity, weighted by dollar amount, but the ring is being pulled towards the large projects of Larkinville. We also shaded four areas that currently are seeing a high volume of activity or planned development. This exercise was limited to downtown projects and the hundreds of millions of dollars they represent. With the right data we may be able to open this up to the entire city.

BNE understands the effectiveness of providing data geographically and maps remain one of our most popular data delivery methods. We encourage you to look through the maps section of our website and I look forward to any feedback.
When you meet up with family and friends this holiday season and they ask what’s going on in Buffalo, we hope this data helps.
Research Manager